Dog Bowl or feeders - What Is Best For Your Pet?

Feeding time for dogs is one of the happiest times of day, but finding the right dog raised bowl for your pet's needs is a slightly trickier task to get right. There are a lot of options available, but which one is best for your pooch? Plastic bowls Plastic dog bowls are one of the cheapest types of dog bowl available, which as well as being easy to clean, is the big selling point of this type of product. However, plastic bowls aren't usually the best option as they can be easily chewed on to leave sharp edges and places for bacteria to grow. Ceramic bowls This is another variation of feeding bowl available. Although ceramic bowls can look good because of their usually decorated design, there is a greater likelihood of these breaking, which could hurt your pooch. As with plastic bowls, even small cracks can be an ideal place for bacteria to multiply. Metal bowls The durability of stainless steel dog bowls makes them the chosen option for many dog owners. Being d...